#myketostory: Jess

Jess has bravely shared her journey with keto on our Facebook page. If you have a story to share as well, please come and post!

13124437_10208763810074392_5481167620627922756_nHi I’m Jess. 18 months ago I was over 230lbs, obese, depressed, withdrawn….working as a Personal Trainer and in gym management. Too tired to train, spin or be with others. Too tired to mow the grass, and participate in fun things. My body hurt all the time. I ate and drank and living in a small little world.

I knew I was in trouble and too scared to reach out for a doctor’s advice. I didn’t want to hear the words Pre-diabetic or worse, Diabetic. I didn’t have symptoms. I just was like held-captive.

My cousin and I decided we’d go Low carb together. 

Read the rest here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10208763810074392

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