#myketostory: Judi

Within the past year, Judi has made a major transformation using a ketogenic diet. Her story is on our Facebook page. Come show her some love!

13118992_10103041397651678_554225607550468449_nIt’s been year since I began my LCHF/keto lifestyle. One year ago I weighed 303 pounds. I felt awful and I had diseases that would only get worse if I did not change my life. Diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea were slowly taking my life away. I decided on May1, 2016 that I was going to fight. I would fight for my life. I would fight to keep my toes and feet. I would fight to keep my eyesight. I want to live as long as I can without pain. I want to see my grandchildren grow up. I was taking insulin every day in addition to oral medications for diabetes. I had terrible cholesterol labs. I was taking two different kinds of blood pressure medications. My face was attached to a CPAP machine every night. It felt like I was anchored to the nightstand. Things were getting worse month by month. That was it! I couldn’t go on without doing something.

Read the rest here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10103041397651678

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