
Keto Lounge is a thorough, simple to digest resource of information, news, recipes and tips with the purpose of clarifying and bringing awareness of the ketogenic diet to relevant audiences.

Many different types of people have expressed alleviation of different diseases, illnesses and body issues through discovering and administering a ketogenic diet. I am one of them.

Here’s what I hope to accomplish when this blog is up and thoroughly running:

The blog and Keto Lounge’s online presence will collectively first and foremost educate readers who are unfamiliar with what the ketogenic diet is, how it works and what type of issues and illnesses have been associated with being alleviated by this diet. We will do this by linking to other blogs/communities, news sources and reputable studies. The hope is also to be an open community source where we can all talk, help each other out and cheer each other on.

We will also inform and spotlight other relevant resources and communities that can help those interested in starting out in this lifestyle. Additionally, the we will feature recipes and checklists that clarify various essential information and topics as we see fit across different platforms (Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, too! You like looking at pictures of delicious food, don’t you?).

And food. Lots and lots of pictures of food. Because I will always be a fat kid at heart.

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