My Personal #myketostory. Come share yours on Facebook!

Come to our Facebook page and post your success story from going keto. Here’s mine:


Throughout my entire life I have consistently suffered through various medical issues. I was born premature and so growing up I had attributed my chronic issues to that. I’ve always had multiple digestive system issues and respiratory issues: chronic bronchitis and sinusitis to name a couple of things.

Progressing into my adult life I began developing more and more health issues. I continued to steadily gain weight without ever being able to lose it. I had persistent cystic acne, asthma, significant hair loss, frequently caught flus and colds several times a year and chronic pain throughout my body. I never felt well.

As the years went by despite developing a stricter, healthier diet my health issues worsened. I developed adrenal fatigue which led to extreme anxiety and chronic fatigue. My body was constantly in a very high inflammatory state and doctors told me I would develop an autoimmune disease eventually. I became allergic to wheat and developed sugar poisoning. I developed a serious form of eczema that spread across my entire body. I had a mass growing at the top of my spine and pre-cancerous cells I had to have surgery to remove. I had reproductive issues that I was advised may lead to infertility. I was developing advanced gum disease despite all my diligent care. Every day that I woke up I felt that I hadn’t slept a wink. I felt beyond fatigued with constant brain fog and malaise. I was in serious pain physically, emotionally and spiritually.

After countless doctor visits and zero answers or successful progression on their part I began to do a lot of research on my own. I did cleanses and elimination diets. I went vegan from vegetarian and even participated in a 21 day juice cleanse. I felt no better.

In 2014 as I continued to scour the Internet for information and solutions I found a diet protocol called Whole Approach that seemed to address a few of my issues. I decided to give it a shot and shockingly lost twenty pounds within the first month of trying it. This was an enormous breakthrough for me because I had not been able to lose any weight my entire adult life.

As I continued to read more and more I finally pieced together that my issue was that I had developed insulin resistance, which is a pre-diabetic state. This explained my bodily reaction to grains and sugars of any kind including fruits. All of my random health issues and symptoms that seemed to not be connected were all originating from one source: I had too much sugar running in my body and my body was shutting down.

It was such a deep, heavy relief to finally identify and understand this. Once I did I began to invest most of my time into learning what I could do to reverse my insulin resistance and immune system issues. I eventually stumbled upon the ketogenic diet and its principles and the results of administering it were as if a light was switched on in the darkness of my life.

After months of staying on a strict protocol everything, and I mean everything that plagued me began to be relieved and went into remission. As of today I’ve lost a total of sixty pounds, my allergies have disappeared, I rarely get sick, my hair grew back in fuller, my skin cleared throughout my body and face for the first time since I was a preteen, my chronic pain disappeared and I’ve felt awake and clear of mind in a way that is indescribable until it happens to you. I sleep soundly and normally now and I when I wake up in the morning I feel alert and ready to start my day. I honestly feel the greatest gift we can receive is given to ourselves in the form of self care and wellness. I’m so grateful I discovered how to save myself and I hope the same for all of you.

I’m currently trying to lose another forty pounds, still researching ways to better my self and increase my wellness and working on rebuilding my life that took a huge pause when my body was shutting down. I begin to not feel well in familiar ways if I eat grains and sugar and do my best to stay away from them completely. I’m always working on new recipes and meal ideas and trying to recruit (annoy) my friends into eating the same way with me. I honestly feel like I’m living a second life that I’m not taking for granted for being given. One that was given to me by myself. When it comes to my recovery, progression and evolution as a person, I’m currently still on my way and hope that I always will be.
